Monday, July 9, 2007

Medicine in your spice rack, Onion

Okay, onions are more of a vegetable than spice, but including more onions in your diet may help you keep some forms of cancer at bay. The strong smell of the onion is an indicator of its potent sulphur compounds. Sulphur compounds are beneficial as natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial chemicals. Onions also contain the enzyme alliinase, which is what triggers the tears when you cut into them. Onions have been revered as food and medicine since the early days of Greek and Indian civilization.

An Italian study found that adults who consumed a half-cup of onions each day were 65% less likely to develop breast and ovarian cancer than those who did not eat this veggie. Clinical studies have shown that onions decrease blood lipid levels, prevent clot formations and lower blood pressure. Onions have also demonstrated the ability to lower blood sugar levels with comparable results to prescription drugs.

Yin Yang Quiz Page 7

So, if you scored highest in category E, here's to you, Winter....

Yin Yang Quiz Page 6

Alright, if your big score was in category D, here you go, Indian Summer...

Yin Yang Quiz Page 5

If you scored highest in category C, here is Spring...

Yin Yang Quiz Page 4

If your highest score was in the B. category, here's Summer!

Yin Yang Quiz Page 3

Okay,if your high score was in the A category, here's Autumn!

Yin Yang Quiz Page 2

Okay. Now total up each separate category A through E. Then find the highest score and that is your mind/body type. If you have two scores that are equal or within one point of one another, you are a blend of these two types and you can pull info from both. This page(page 2)is a preliminary overview of each of the types. For more in-depth information, see the following blogs for types a-e.