Saturday, April 14, 2007

Exercise: What Should I Do?

As a wellness coach and personal trainer, I’m asked a lot of health and exercise questions like: “How do I get rid of this spare tire around my middle?” Or, “Which diet is best---Atkins or South Beach?”

But the most popular question of all is, “What kind of exercise should I do?”

I’m about to give you the best fitness advice you will ever get. Are you ready?

The best exercise for your health is……THE ONE YOU WILL DO CONSISTENTLY!

We can talk about calorie-burning potentials, aerobic versus anaerobic training, isokinetic versus dynamic constant resistance training until we’re blue in the face, but none of it means anything unless you’re willing to do the exercise.

The trick to making exercise have a significant impact on your health (and waistline) is to do it consistently. The only way to do that is to find something you enjoy!

Here are some ideas you may not have thought of. Remember, lots of activities are actually exercise in disguise…..

• Salsa Dancing
• Country Line Dancing
• Gardening (especially if you carry your own bags of soil and fertilizer)
• Vigorous sex (should last for at least 30 minutes)
• Playing softball
• Surfing
• Long walks on the beach
• Hiking
• Chasing your child or grandchild through the park
• Tai Chi
• Bowling
• Snowboarding
• Rock Climbing, and the list goes on…..

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