Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What IS Healthy?

A leading medical text once defined health as the absence of disease. By that definition, your pet rock is in great shape. In the real world, being in good health is a lot more complicated.

We all know that exercise is important to our health. Cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, etc. strengthens the heart and lungs, lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of many diseases. Strength training increases muscle mass, aids in fat loss and fortifies our bones for protection against Osteoporosis. But exercise is only one component to being healthy.

Being healthy is a balance between physical, emotional and spiritual health. If one of these is out of harmony the entire system is thrown out of balance, which can cause sickness and disease. Finding healthy ways to control stress (such as meditation or listening to soothing music) can be just as important as exercise and good nutrition to our overall health. High stress levels have been clinically proven to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and other potentially fatal health occurrences. Find something that helps you push stress away and makes you feel more relaxed and centered (alcohol and drugs do not qualify).

Exercising and lowering your stress levels can only go so far. If lunch and dinner are the number five combo at your favorite fast food drive-thru most days, you’re still in trouble. Try to get five to eight servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day and make a conscious effort to keep portion sizes smaller. Try to eat lean protein and complex carbohydrates. The rule is, if you need two hands to hold it, or if it leaves a neon-orange residue on your fingers, don’t eat it!

And last, don’t neglect your spiritual health! Take time to connect with your higher power through prayer, long meditative walks, enjoying the beauty of nature or attending the church of your choice. These are all great ways to help bring your self to a place of harmony. Paying attention to your new role as a healthy, spiritual, whole being will help you understand how each part of your life affects the other. Spending a little time today bringing balance to your life can pay big dividends to your health tomorrow.

Listen to my "What IS Healthy?" radio chat with Lisa Osborne at Lisa.FM

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